Essex Pregnancy and Parenting Connection
(EPPC) links parents and family members to supportive services to support their parenting journey.

About Us
Essex Pregnancy and Parenting Connection (EPPC) serves as the Connecting NJ agency for Essex County. EPPC links parents and family members to supportive services to support their parenting journey. EPPC is also a Family Connects NJ program partner.
Families expecting a new child (via birth, kinship, adoption, and beyond), have a child under 5, or have recently experienced maternal or infant loss can be supported by our team.
How does EPPC work?
EPPC connects with families, health care providers, and community organizations throughout Essex County to link families with various services to support their parenting journey. Linkage to programs is based on each family’s need and eligibility criteria as noted below. As we continue to build and strengthen relationships in the community our family link options change regularly. We receive referrals from anyone in the community looking to support families expecting a baby or parenting a child under 5 years old.
EPPC receives referrals in 3 different ways:

With a family’s permission, medical providers, who are registered with the CNJ Link program, submit a Perinatal Risk Assessment (PRA) through the system.

Families can complete a self-referral form and receive an introductory text from one of our Connecting New Jersey team members.

Community organizations and agencies can support a family with the self-referral form (also noted above) or complete an EPPC fillable referral form and email it to [email protected].

Based on their eligibility, families can be connected to one or more of the following free local services
- Home Visiting Programs such as
- Healthy Families, Parents as Teachers (PAT), Nurse Family Partnership (NFP)
- Healthy Women Healthy Families: Community Health Workers
- Community Doulas
- Parent support groups
- Local Family Success Centers
- Link to online screening to learn about a child’s early milestones:
- Events for expectant parents and those with young children
- Other health and social support programs and resources